Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The Big Decision!
After much prayer and discussion, Jason and I have decided to start the adoption process again. Some may say we are crazy because we already have six children living in our home but we say that we are blessed. God has given us so much and we in turn want to glorify him and give another child a family. This process will be somewhat different as we will not be adopting internationally. We are going through the Riverside County Foster/Adopt Program. Please pray that the process will go smoothly and that God would be glorified during this adventure. The process will take about a year. (maybe longer)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Our annual Christmas tradition!

Every year, on the day that we put our Christmas decorations up, we enjoy a tradition. First we eat pizza or whatever we want for dinner, then we have a pajama exchange. Jason and I get each other pj's and the we get them for the kids. Everyone puts their new cozy pj's on and we watch Christmas movies, eat goodies and sleep in the living room by our newly decorated tree. Lots of Fun!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
So many reasons to be thankful!
I often wonder why God has blessed me in so many ways. I am unworthy and constantly reminded of how sinful I am. I am so thankful for God's free gift of salvation. I thought I'd make a short (certainly not complete) list of the reasons why I am thankful. Here they are:
1. My salvation and relationship with Jesus Christ
2. My wonderful husband
3. My four children
4. The opportunity to have my two nephews living with us. (I love having a big family)
5. A house that is comfortable and fits us all.
6. Food
7. Wonderful parents that raised me in a Godly home
8. Terrific In-Laws ( not many people can say that)
9. Close friends that we have known since we were young (8 yrs old)
10. Health
11. Hope of eternity in heaven
1. My salvation and relationship with Jesus Christ
2. My wonderful husband
3. My four children
4. The opportunity to have my two nephews living with us. (I love having a big family)
5. A house that is comfortable and fits us all.
6. Food
7. Wonderful parents that raised me in a Godly home
8. Terrific In-Laws ( not many people can say that)
9. Close friends that we have known since we were young (8 yrs old)
10. Health
11. Hope of eternity in heaven

Yes, I know I am a little behind. What can I say except that I am busy. I love homeschooling but I am not keeping up with everything because my time is very full with teaching. Anyways, we had a fun Hallowean. As you can see, we had a Chinese theme going. My parents went to China during the summer for the Olympics and brought home these wonderful outfits. I colored Providence's hair black for the occasion.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Hello and Goodbye!

We have had a sad day today. Our bunny died! Unfortunately, we have only had little S'more Baker since Sunday. Brayden used his own money to purchase our furry creature. Since his untimely death this morning, Brayden keeps saying that his heart is breaking. S'more was so cute and tiny. We buried him in the field behind the house and had a funeral for him. We sang "Amazing Grace and Do you know the Lord?" His gravestone (popsicle stick cross) says S'more Baker, RIP, and We love you.
2nd Week of School!

We started homeschool one week ago. It was strange to be able to eat a leisurely breakfast and not rush out of the house. Our curriculum is SOW, "Student of the Word". We use the Bible as our main text book and other resources for research. I love spending more time with the kids studying God's Word. We are also using Classical Conversations, Ray's Arithmetic, Hooked on Phonics, and Handwriting made Easy. Our unit study is the solar system. Its amazing how much I am learning in the process.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Shaver Lake Camping Trip!

We spent our last week of summer vacation in Shaver Lake. We had so much fun off roading in our jeep, hanging out by the camp fire, swimming, boating and kayaking on the lake. The kids made a Nature Journal and each day they drew a picture of something they saw or glued on an item that they found on our hikes. Dallas and Brayden caught 3 little frogs that only stayed alive a few hours in their new home. Dallas decided that he would glue his frog to his journal. So now we have a decomposing frog as a souvenir. BOYS!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Our beloved Grandma Fowler is residing with Jesus

Jason's grandma, Phyllis Fowler passed away a week ago. She will be missed greatly. Her love for her family was demonstrated in so many ways but was especially evident in her gift of hospitality. She had such a positive outlook on life and we never heard her complain. She and Grandpa Fowler babysat our kids up until last spring. Although we grieve for our loss, we know that she is in heaven with Jesus and someday we will see her again.
Brayden is five years old!

Our sweet, little boy is five. His actual birthday was August 5 but I am just getting around to posting. He wanted a spider man birthday party, so we decorated the house with webs and spiders and had games centered around the theme. His hobby is dressing up into costumes, so he was delighted to receive two spider man costumes and accessories for his birthday. He is a blessing in our lives and we look forward to how God is going to use him in the future.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Beach Trip!
Friday, August 1, 2008
A Wonderful Week Together
Our family enjoyed time spent together in Big Bear. The McGuires (my sister's family) arrived on Sunday the 19th. We spent a few days in Hemet together before we went up to the cabin. The week could not have gone more smoothly. The weather was great, the cabin very spacious and the fellowship wonderful. Each morning we had a family devotional led by Jason or my dad, followed by personal quiet time. We then went on different outings during the afternoon. We made T-shirts, went snipe hunting and had a talent show. These memories will stay with us forever.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Summer Fun!

We are really enjoying our summer. We have been in the pool almost everyday, made crafts, read books, gone to the movies and spent time with the cousins. Next week, my sister and family are flying out from Wisconsin. We are going to spend the week in Big Bear with my parents, and my brother, Tom's family. I will post pictures when we get back.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
A Weekend Away!

Jason and I were able to go on a 3 day cruise last weekend. We are so blessed with moms that are willing to help with their grandchildren. They stayed with the kids while Jason and I were gone. It was so wonderful to spend some alone time together and relax, eat, talk, and eat some more. We used the Carnival Cruise line and were very pleased with the accommodations, service and entertainment. One day was spent docked in Ensenada Mexico and the other day we spent on the ship out at sea. I continue to be amazed at the gift God has given me in my husband. I love and respect him more than words can describe!
Happy Birthday Dallas!

Our little boy turned 7 years old on June 19. His day started out with breakfast in bed, then an outing to Starbucks with Nana Norris and then to Shakey's Pizza with Grandpa and Grandma Baker. Instead of having a big birthday party, he requested an evening at Medieval Times. He invited Madi and Hunter Hixson, and of course his brother Brayden. We all really had a great time eating our food without utensils, cheering on our knight and hanging out. The only sad part is how quickly his life is going. Every year I am aware of how fast the time goes. These moments are precious and before we know it, he will be all grown up.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Vacation Bible School!

For the past three years my kids have attended VBS at our church. This year's theme is Jerusulem Marketplace. The kids dress up in Bible times attire. They sing, learn about Jewish customs, make crafts in the marketplace, watch drama presentations and most importantly, learn about Christ's love for us and our need for a Savior. My nephews are helping with the small groups and drama. It is so great to watch their involvedment with the youth group.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day!

I have been blessed with a wonderful dad. He is the most giving person I know. He spent many years in ministry as a Pastor and then joined Campus Crusade for Christ as the National Director for Athletes in Action (Laten America). He is an interactive grandpa. He has built my children an airplane, a limo, a sand box and toy box. These toys are not small. The airplane looks real and we have been asked if it actually takes off. I love my father so much.
My husband is also such a wonderful daddy to our kiddos. He is patient and kind and involved in every aspect of our children's life. My love for him grows deeper every year. We have been married for almost eleven years. He is more than I could've dreamed of in a husband.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
It's Summertime!

Once again, I am so behind with blogging! Our lives are finally slowing down as most of our activities have ended. School is out and we are looking forward to time in the pool, camping, reading, looking at stars, and spending more time together. Last weekend, we went to San Diego to celebrate Dallas' graduation from Kindergarten. We spent time at Sea World, the Zoo and the beach. It was wonderful to get away and not have any commitments. The past two months have been filled with birthday parties, Mother's Day , graduations, barbecues and the usual school and extracurricular events. Oh, and how could I forget: We added a new addition to our family, Sparky, our little black kitten. We leave today to go again to the San Diego area and camp with four other families.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Wow, It's May already. I know I have been somewhat dilinquent in my posting but we have been very busy. As the pictures show, we have lots of activities to keep up with. Things will be winding down in the next four weeks and we are eagerly awaiting summer. Next fall, I will be homeschooling the kids. My friend Valerie and I will be using the same curriculum and keeping each other accountable. We are starting a homeschool program through Baptist Christian School. The kids are all doing well. Selah started crawling last week, Dallas lost his 3rd tooth, Providence got a cute haircut and Brayden got to experience blue hair for crazy day. They have been involved in musicals, soccer, BBQ's, Karate testing, school, and the other various activies going on.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
I know it has been over two months since we brought Selah home but I thought it would be fun to show you some more pictures. Unfortunately there are no captions but as you look through the photos, you will see pictures of Selah's foster mom, Maribel. Her family loves Selah and treated her like their own. Saying goodbye was very difficult for them. There are also photos of other families that we met who were bringing their babies home. We all shared an experience that has forever changed our lives.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter!

John 3:16
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasing life."
I am so thankful for God's precious gift of salvation. He loves us so much and wants us to spend eternity with Him in heaven. This day is a celebration of his sacrificial love! The great news is that He did not stay dead but is alive!! Don't forget to thank Him today for all He has done!!
We started out the day at church. Our church has an annual Easter musical. Jason participated and showed off his acting skills. He was Doubting Thomas. We joked that he was demoted this year, as in the past He has played the role as Jesus. He did a great job. The kids are enjoying their easter baskets. This year we have cut down on the amount of candy they get.
Jason's mom, Jeanne is in Israel for three weeks. I can't imagine being able to spend Easter in the very place that Jesus walked. We hope you are having a wonderful trip Jeanne.
Friday, March 21, 2008
We have enjoyed a weeklong visit with our other nephew Bradley Cude. He flew in from Wisconsin on Saturday. He is 15 years old and is close friends with Tim and Tom. The highlight of our week was going to Disneyland. The younger kids stayed home with my mom while Jason and I took the three teenagers to see Mickey. Bradley leaves on Easter Sunday.
On Sunday, we celebrated Providence's birthday. She wanted a princess theme. The kids made tiaras, did a castle maze and cut out princess paper dolls. Even the boys had a good time. She received wonderful gifts from friends and family: dress-up clothes, kitchen set, ballet outfit, and dolls. Unfortunately, we were missing one of our family members at the party. Jason's grandma, Phylis Fowler had a stroke a few nights before the party. She is now home and recouping with home health PT and using a caregiver from Home Instead. Please keep her in your prayers.
Thursday, March 13, 2008

What a week!
Well, I have to say that we have had a full week. All 6 kids got the flu. Three had the stomach flu and three had a fever/sore throat. Thankfully, Jason and I are still healthy. On Sunday, we celebrated Jeanne and Hyatt's 40th Anniversary. The special occasion took place in our back yard. Jason officiated their mock wedding, the kids played fake guitars and sang and we ate and ate and ate. We are blessed to have such a great heritage. Monday was Providence's birthday. She is three years old. For months, she has been telling people that her birthday is March 10. She asked almost on a weekly basis when she could have her princess birthday. We are officially celebrating her birthday on Sunday. Jason has had a week of being honored. First, there was an excellent article about him in the Hemet News, highlighting our business, Home Instead Senior Care and his christian influence in our community. Today he found out that he won 2nd place for Man of the Year in Riverside County. He did not know that he had been nominated by his office staff. He deserves Man of the Universe as far as I'm concerned. (of course behind God!) I am one blessed lady!As I wrote in the last update, my wonderful nephews are living with us. However, I never thought I would have to share my clothes with them. Tom seems to like wearing my dresses, as you can see from the pictures. Unfortunately, he has to stuff his shirt with lemons. JK, he was in a skit at school and borrowed my dress. On Saturday, my other nephew Bradley is coming to stay with us for a week. He lives in Wisconsin and we can't wait to see him and spend some quality time with him. On Monday, we are going to Disneyland.
Thursday, March 6, 2008

Okay, my goal is to blog once a week. It has taken me awhile to figure out how to add pictures. Selah is adjusting really well. She is nine months old. Tonight we are going to a "welcome home shower" for her at Jason's parents home. Our weeks are full of activities: school, church, karate, dance, Kid's Praise Choir, bible study and Awanas. My nephews, Tim and Tom Norris are living with us also. They have been here since the end of October. We are enjoying them so much. They help keep me up to date on the teenage world. Tim is 15 yrs. and Tom is 16yrs.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
God has already poured out his blessings to us in 2008. On January 15, we brought home our daughter, Selah Jeanne, from Guatamala. She was born on May 28, 2008. We started the adoption process in July of 2006. At times, the situation in Guatamala regarding adoptions looked grim but God was gracious to us in allowing us to finalize all the details needed bring Selah home. We want to thank each of you who were faithful in praying for our family during this process.
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