Monday, November 29, 2010

Easy homemade recipe to help with a cough!

Providence has had an irritating cough for a week and yesterday we were getting low on cough syrup. The cough syrup was not real affective anyway and I was dreading the night as it seems to wake her (and us) up. I looked up homemade cough recipes and found the following:
1 TBSP honey warmed (10 seconds microwave) and
a few drops of fresh lemon juice) Mix together and drink.

Also, I put Vicks Vapor rub on her feet and then put socks on.
I also turned on the humidifier.
This worked like a charm.
I gave her the homemade remedy at 6:50pm and she didn't cough until 5:00 am. I gave it to her again this morning and she has only had small episodes.
I love cheap options.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Upcoming Testify Concerts!

We have been busy preparing for our two Christmas concerts. I personally don't feel very polished but as long as God is glorified, that is all that matters.

Dec. 3, 2010 in Hesparia, CA (Senior Citizen Christmas party)
Dec. 18, 2010 (Valley EV Free Church) at 6:30pm in Hemet, CA


Yesterday Providence and I joined our "Keepers of the Home" group and went ice skating in Riverside. We had such a wonderful time and I was amazed at how well Providence "picked it up". This is definately something we will do again. For those of you reading this via email, you may have to get into the actual blog to see the slideshow.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Something appetizing!

Someone dropped a 20 pound turkey on her toe, and it wasn't me. Her name starts with an R and ends with an H and she happens to have given birth to me. I think she wanted to be a basketball star and spin the turkey on her toe, but to no avail. She is a woman of many talents. I'm sure these pictures destroy your Thanksgiving appetite, but I couldn't let them go to waste.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sad day for the Baker family

Today we had to give our dogs away. Mickey and Minnie were sweet dogs but they did not do well with our farm animals. They kept hopping over the fence of the goat and pig pen and each time we caught them before they harmed the animals. Today was different. Our neighbor saw them attacking one of the goats and intervened but not before it was injured. The dogs have been getting out of our property and annoying neighbors and their pets. It was just a matter of time before someone else had an injured animal. The goat has a bloody, hurt leg but otherwise, seems to be fine. Lots of tears were shed from the boys. We unfortunately took the dogs to the pound. I even struggled "keeping it together" when we left. Next time, we get a dog, it will have to be farm friendly.

It's beginning to look like Christmas!

I know that Thanksgiving hasn't passed yet, however, we at the Baker household like to put up Christmas decorations early. We have an annual tradition that includes setting up the tree and miscellaneous decorations, eating our favorite foods, giving new pj's to each member of the family, watching Christmas movies and sleeping in the living room by the newly decorated tree. I have to admit, though, this year Jason and I slept in our own room. Everyone is battling the "sickies", so we really needed a comfortable night of sleep. This tradition is one of our favorites.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Pumpkin Patch!

This is an overdue post. We went to Bates Nut Farm with the Hartman cousins and Lucia in October. Lots of fun and festivities took place! Fall is a favorite season of mine.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Trip To Wisconsin!

I'm so behind on blogging right now as life seems to be extra busy. I was so grateful to be able to spend 4 days with my sister Tami and family. Tami and Matt opened a daycare and I was able to see how they function. It was an amazing facility. I loved seeing my neices and nephews and spending time playing games and just hangin out. Amanda had a giant knot in her hair and through much agony and (lots of fun on Tami and my part), we had to say goodbye to a chunk of her hair. Thanks McGuires and Cudes for such a great time. I love you all.