Monday, July 2, 2012

Tommy is 21 years old! Yikes!

Once again, I am wondering where the time has gone. My nephew Tommy turned 21 on June 5 and we celebrated with a party at our house. It is so encouraging to see a group of Godly kids celebrate this milestone with no alcohol and just good old fashioned fun. Tom and Maria barbequed the food, the kids played pingpong and went on the zipline. They set up a target of a mock Zombie and practice shooting it as they were going down the zipline. That was a little scary!
They were at our house until 12:30am. We really enjoyed being with them all.

More Birthday Photos!

Dallas had a wonderful birthday. He spent the day with Grandma Jeanne and Sierra enjoying a trip to Boomers! For his birthday party, we went to George's Pizza and enjoyed the fellowship of friends and family. Dallas enjoys creating "masterpieces" with his Legos, so he was overjoyed to receive more Lego sets. Our hope and prayer for Dallas this year is that God will reign in His life, making him more like Jesus. We pray that he will accomplish His will by glorifying and enjoying God in all aspects of his life. Dallas is very focused on sharing his faith and he has been active by placing tracts on the windshields of vehicles in various parking lots.