Monday, April 28, 2014


I love when the kids leave notes on our beds or make special art projects for us.  I feel guilty about throwing some of it away so I thought I'd take pictures and keep them on athe blog.

Girls Day (baby boy included)

While the boys are away, the girls will play.  I decided to put all work aside and let the girls choose activities for the day.  We thought we'd do "girly things" since we wouldn't get any eye rolling from the boys.  This was the order of the day:  Eat Parfait for breakfast, drink homemade mochas on Nana and Papa's porch, paint nails, go to Juice It Up for smoothies, play at the park, swim in the freezing cold pool, 10 min. massage  (each) from mommy, face masque and lemon sugar face scrub, homemade pizza for dinner, relax in the jacuzzi, watch movies and sleep in mommy's bed.  Wow!!!! We did it all and had a wonderful time.  I need to make a point of doing this more often.

Day 3 Guatemala Trip

The boys play soccer daily with the kids.  Today they also made paracord bracelets and did more painting.

Day 1 and 2 in Guatemala

After the flight, the boys met up with a family who have been friends with my dad for years.  They went out to dinner with them and then headed back to the airport to wait for their ride to the orphanage. 

Day 2 (sent from Jason). It was a good day today.  We had a tour of the facility and met many of the kids here.  Most all kids are HIV +.    The kids really look like they are being treated well and introduced to Christ.  We did some painting in a room as well as played soccer with some of the kids.

Brayden is looking forward to doing the paracord bracelets.  We spend the evening getting to know the other couples who are here.  The other two families have adopted and they both homeschool. 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

A Trip of a Lifetime

Well, they are off to Guatemala.  Jason, Dallas and Brayden are spending a week serving at an orphanage.  I am so excited for them and can't wait to hear aboutall of their adventures and serving opportunities.  

Cheering for the PEO!

The girls were asked to be part of a little cheer squad for a one time performance at a women's PEO luncheon.  They looked so cute and did a great job.  


Adoption Finalization and Sawyer's One Year Old Birthday

What a wonderful feeling to have Sawyer's adoption finalized. Friends and family came to the City of Hemet Couthouse to celebrate with us.  The day was even more memorable as we celebrated his birthday.  Sawyer really didn't have much interest in his cake but enjoyed all the entertainment from his many playmates.  God has greatly blessed us with this little guy.  He brings us ALL such joy.  

Peter Pan Musical

Sierra did an excellent job playing Tiger Lilly in her school musical.  Sierra has amazing vocal talent and confidence on stage.  So glad we were able to be in the audience cheering her on.

A Visit from the Tennessee Bakers

PI am trying to play catchup with blogging so most of these posts are a couple of months behind.  In March, we enjoyed hosting family from Tennessee.  It was so fun to get to know Jason's first cousin Adam and wife Rachel and 3 kiddos better.  Our kids all reconnected quickly as though no time had passed since we saw them 2 summers ago.  Activities for the week included:  slumber party for the girls at the Hartmans and Lego movie and pizza for the boys while Adam and Rachel ran the LA marathon, hiking, Indian Wells Tennis Match, Providence's 9th birthday party, In N Out, March Air Force Museum, Legoland, Ferrel's Icecream and dinner with Hartmans and Jeanne and Hyatt.  All of us were sad when the week together ended but we look forward to our next adventure.