Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Adeline Update!

Adeline is 11 weeks old.  She weighs 12 pounds and is such a sweetie.  She had a rough start as she battled with Acid Reflux and a milk allergy.   Once we were able to get medication for the reflux and Nutramigen Formula, she relaxed and started sleeping better.  She is cooing and smiling and seems to have a very laid back sweet disposition. 

Friday, January 2, 2015

New Years Day 2015

Is it already 2015?  Seriously, it feels as though we just had Y2K.  We did something a little different this year for New Years.  Our gift to the Hixsons and vice versa were Season Passes to Knott's Berry Farm.  On New Years Eve, we went to Soupplantation for Linner.  Instead of our usual slumber party, we parted ways and got a good nights rest so that we could head out early to go to KBF.  It was busier than usual but that was to be expected.  We didn't feel any pressure to go on every ride because we will have plenty of opportunities to go again.  Selah, Providence and Brayden all went on their first upside down ride.  Jason put a anti-nausea patch behind his ear and was able to actually enjoy going on the rides.