Monday, September 11, 2017

School Year 2017-2018

Another school year has begun. This is my 10th year of homeschooling the kids and I am thankful that I get to be with them daily. Dallas is in 11th grade.  He is consistent with his desire to go into some branch of the military after he graduates. Brayden is in 8th grade and wants to be an actor, writer or paramedic when he finishes school. Providence is in 7th grade and would like to eventually be a hair stylist or missionary.  Selah is in 5th grade and hopes to be a professional violinist. Sawyer is in Pre-K and wants to be a dragon when he grows up and Addie is 2 and wants to be Sophia the Princess.
Extracurricular activities will consist of Lightforce Choir, EMH sports, violin, voice and guitar lessons, CAP, Color Guard, horse lessons,  gymnastics, tap, Shine Choir, C Kids Praise choir, Co-op and BSF for the littles. It's going to be a busy year.