I know, I stink at keeping this updated. I have been having problems trying to post with pictures, and who wants to read a blog without any new pictures. I will try again and if you don't see any new ones, you will know that it didn't work. How many months have passed? Well, Providence turned four on March 10. We went to Disneyland for the day and attempted our first birthday party a couple weeks later in anticipation of Grandma's return from Australia. On the day of the party I got the stomach flu so the party was moved to Grandma Bakers house. Unfortunately, on the way to the party, Providence barfed. Most of the guests had already arrived, so those who wanted to hang out, did. Providence and I, on the other hand, stayed in bed the rest of the day. We attempted a small party a week later and it turned out fine. We are extremely busy as we have hit the part of the adoption that calls for "our life on paper". We are thrilled to be embarking on this journey again. WE can't wait to see what God has in store. We are also getting the new property cleaned up and packing boxes. I have about 9 more weeks left of school with the kids. Oh yes, and how could I forget, we lost another pet to pet heaven. Hop, our second attempt at a bunny, died on Monday morning. I woke up to the sound of crying and went in to see that he was no longer alive. A funeral was given in honor of Hop. Flowers were brought, a grave was dug, a cross was put into place, songs sung and memories shared. Jason officiates a wonderful funeral if you ever are in need.