Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hello and Goodbye!

We have had a sad day today. Our bunny died! Unfortunately, we have only had little S'more Baker since Sunday. Brayden used his own money to purchase our furry creature. Since his untimely death this morning, Brayden keeps saying that his heart is breaking. S'more was so cute and tiny. We buried him in the field behind the house and had a funeral for him. We sang "Amazing Grace and Do you know the Lord?" His gravestone (popsicle stick cross) says S'more Baker, RIP, and We love you.

2nd Week of School!

We started homeschool one week ago. It was strange to be able to eat a leisurely breakfast and not rush out of the house. Our curriculum is SOW, "Student of the Word". We use the Bible as our main text book and other resources for research. I love spending more time with the kids studying God's Word. We are also using Classical Conversations, Ray's Arithmetic, Hooked on Phonics, and Handwriting made Easy. Our unit study is the solar system. Its amazing how much I am learning in the process.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Shaver Lake Camping Trip!

We spent our last week of summer vacation in Shaver Lake. We had so much fun off roading in our jeep, hanging out by the camp fire, swimming, boating and kayaking on the lake. The kids made a Nature Journal and each day they drew a picture of something they saw or glued on an item that they found on our hikes. Dallas and Brayden caught 3 little frogs that only stayed alive a few hours in their new home. Dallas decided that he would glue his frog to his journal. So now we have a decomposing frog as a souvenir. BOYS!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Our beloved Grandma Fowler is residing with Jesus

Jason's grandma, Phyllis Fowler passed away a week ago. She will be missed greatly. Her love for her family was demonstrated in so many ways but was especially evident in her gift of hospitality. She had such a positive outlook on life and we never heard her complain. She and Grandpa Fowler babysat our kids up until last spring. Although we grieve for our loss, we know that she is in heaven with Jesus and someday we will see her again.

Brayden is five years old!

Our sweet, little boy is five. His actual birthday was August 5 but I am just getting around to posting. He wanted a spider man birthday party, so we decorated the house with webs and spiders and had games centered around the theme. His hobby is dressing up into costumes, so he was delighted to receive two spider man costumes and accessories for his birthday. He is a blessing in our lives and we look forward to how God is going to use him in the future.