John 3:16
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasing life."
I am so thankful for God's precious gift of salvation. He loves us so much and wants us to spend eternity with Him in heaven. This day is a celebration of his sacrificial love! The great news is that He did not stay dead but is alive!! Don't forget to thank Him today for all He has done!!
We started out the day at church. Our church has an annual Easter musical. Jason participated and showed off his acting skills. He was Doubting Thomas. We joked that he was demoted this year, as in the past He has played the role as Jesus. He did a great job. The kids are enjoying their easter baskets. This year we have cut down on the amount of candy they get.
Jason's mom, Jeanne is in Israel for three weeks. I can't imagine being able to spend Easter in the very place that Jesus walked. We hope you are having a wonderful trip Jeanne.