Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

John 3:16
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasing life."
I am so thankful for God's precious gift of salvation. He loves us so much and wants us to spend eternity with Him in heaven. This day is a celebration of his sacrificial love! The great news is that He did not stay dead but is alive!! Don't forget to thank Him today for all He has done!!

We started out the day at church. Our church has an annual Easter musical. Jason participated and showed off his acting skills. He was Doubting Thomas. We joked that he was demoted this year, as in the past He has played the role as Jesus. He did a great job. The kids are enjoying their easter baskets. This year we have cut down on the amount of candy they get.

Jason's mom, Jeanne is in Israel for three weeks. I can't imagine being able to spend Easter in the very place that Jesus walked. We hope you are having a wonderful trip Jeanne.

Friday, March 21, 2008

We have enjoyed a weeklong visit with our other nephew Bradley Cude. He flew in from Wisconsin on Saturday. He is 15 years old and is close friends with Tim and Tom. The highlight of our week was going to Disneyland. The younger kids stayed home with my mom while Jason and I took the three teenagers to see Mickey. Bradley leaves on Easter Sunday.

On Sunday, we celebrated Providence's birthday. She wanted a princess theme. The kids made tiaras, did a castle maze and cut out princess paper dolls. Even the boys had a good time. She received wonderful gifts from friends and family: dress-up clothes, kitchen set, ballet outfit, and dolls. Unfortunately, we were missing one of our family members at the party. Jason's grandma, Phylis Fowler had a stroke a few nights before the party. She is now home and recouping with home health PT and using a caregiver from Home Instead. Please keep her in your prayers.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

What a week!
Well, I have to say that we have had a full week. All 6 kids got the flu. Three had the stomach flu and three had a fever/sore throat. Thankfully, Jason and I are still healthy. On Sunday, we celebrated Jeanne and Hyatt's 40th Anniversary. The special occasion took place in our back yard. Jason officiated their mock wedding, the kids played fake guitars and sang and we ate and ate and ate. We are blessed to have such a great heritage. Monday was Providence's birthday. She is three years old. For months, she has been telling people that her birthday is March 10. She asked almost on a weekly basis when she could have her princess birthday. We are officially celebrating her birthday on Sunday. Jason has had a week of being honored. First, there was an excellent article about him in the Hemet News, highlighting our business, Home Instead Senior Care and his christian influence in our community. Today he found out that he won 2nd place for Man of the Year in Riverside County. He did not know that he had been nominated by his office staff. He deserves Man of the Universe as far as I'm concerned. (of course behind God!) I am one blessed lady!As I wrote in the last update, my wonderful nephews are living with us. However, I never thought I would have to share my clothes with them. Tom seems to like wearing my dresses, as you can see from the pictures. Unfortunately, he has to stuff his shirt with lemons. JK, he was in a skit at school and borrowed my dress. On Saturday, my other nephew Bradley is coming to stay with us for a week. He lives in Wisconsin and we can't wait to see him and spend some quality time with him. On Monday, we are going to Disneyland.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Okay, my goal is to blog once a week. It has taken me awhile to figure out how to add pictures. Selah is adjusting really well. She is nine months old. Tonight we are going to a "welcome home shower" for her at Jason's parents home. Our weeks are full of activities: school, church, karate, dance, Kid's Praise Choir, bible study and Awanas. My nephews, Tim and Tom Norris are living with us also. They have been here since the end of October. We are enjoying them so much. They help keep me up to date on the teenage world. Tim is 15 yrs. and Tom is 16yrs.